Social Business is about People and Possibilities
In Annual Reports we have read, for many years, that “Our employees are our most important resource”. With the technical possibilities available today to enable your business to become social, is it...
View ArticleSocial is something you are, not a tool you use
We’ve got all the tools implemented, but people don’t use them! What’s wrong? Unfortunately, this is not too uncommon a statement. Organizations buy and install software for internal collaboration, pay...
View ArticleThe virtue of saying no
I have alsways been one of those persons who are easy to get enthusiastic and keen to try new things and to help. Too keen sometimes. But, less nowadays than before. This true epoisode was a turning...
View ArticleSocial Streaming Music, adding another dimension to the social web
I admit it, I’m a Spotify addict. I have always loved listening to music and have a rather eclectic taste, I think. My Spotify playlists contain a great variety but with a certain lack of Death Metal,...
View ArticleKan skolan bli mer fel än så här?
I Sydsvenska Dagbladet 29 april 2012 stod det tyvärr att läsa om hur Augustenborgsskolan i Malmö inte lät andraklassarna ta med matteböckerna hem för att öva matematik på egen hand. Artikeln angav två...
View ArticleThe knowledge that Knowledge Management forgot
Traditionally, the benefits of corporate Knowledge Management have had something in common with the Snark of Lewis Carroll. They have been evasive and difficult to describe. There have been endless...
View ArticleSocial Bookmarking – the Ugly Duckling of Collaboration
Blogging, Status Updates, Sharing Documents, Images and Film Clips, Pinning Pictures – all great things you can do using social tools, on the internet and sometimes also within the firewall on your...
View ArticleGood selling is about “helping people to buy”
This is a post I have drafted several months ago, but didn’t complete until today. A tweet by Marie-Christine Schindler promoting a guest blog entry by Danna Vetter called The 5th P of Marketing is...
View ArticleSocial intranets grow faster than you probably think – only Facebook reached...
When discussing digital social networks, the discussion easily circles around Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and, more recently, Pinterest. It comes pretty naturally. They are all public and visible for...
View ArticleBye, bye internal email?
On the first day of work this year, I took the big leap. I activated out-of-office for the rest of 2013 (for internal senders only, that is), telling them to post on my board on our social intranet...
View ArticleWhy do you keep changing my towels, when I don’t want you to?
Dear guest, to save the environment of our planet we need to conserve water and reduce the use of detergents. We ask for your help in doing so by only changing your towels if you leave them on the...
View Article4 great reasons not to write headlines or tweets like this one
I too, have read the research claiming that headlines/tweets promising a list with a set number (figure, not in text) of <reinforcing adjective> things to read/to do (or avoid) to produce some...
View ArticleFor what do we get paid in a social business?
John had worked four weeks on the proposal. Days, evenings, some weekends and even two nights. Finally, John and the team heard the words they had been fighting for so hard: We have decided to award...
View ArticleWasting time on the social intranet!
“Where do we draw the line? At what point are we becoming too social and therefore non-productive?” This question was posted today on my board in our internal social intranet, in a discussion on the...
View ArticleSetting social goals, the key to changing the ways of working?
Social. Goals. Two concepts that we’re not used to bundling. Like combining lobster and mashed potatoes. “Social” sounds friendly and positive while “Goals” are square, constraining and pressing. But I...
View ArticleGoals. The challenge to managers getting into social business ways of working?
In my experience, managers are often a stumbling block for adoption of the transparent and collaborative ways of working enabled by social intranets. Do you have the same experience? I have tried to...
View ArticleInvesting in social business
In my most recent blog posts, I have focused on the topic of goals and social intranet adoption, in general and for managers. Including a social dimension in personal goals is the key to adoption by...
View ArticleFrom “social switchboard” to “direct dial”
In his recent blog post “How to avoid having your social media team becoming a “social switchboard”, my good colleague @AndrewGrill makes a good case on the dangers of adding a filtering (switching)...
View ArticleWhy do you keep changing my towels, when I don’t want you to?
Dear guest, to save the environment of our planet we need to conserve water and reduce the use of detergents. We ask for your help in doing so by only changing your towels if you leave them on the...
View Article4 great reasons not to write headlines or tweets like this one
I too, have read the research claiming that headlines/tweets promising a list with a set number (figure, not in text) of <reinforcing adjective> things to read/to do (or avoid) to produce some...
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